
Multidimensional Report

You require ad hoc analytics in which the SAP real estate master data and transaction data are combined in one single view. In addition, you need a function to extract the data in order to send it or to supply an interface.

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CS 301 SAP RE-FX Multidimensional report, E-Mail-dispatch & Data extraction

This ready-to-use solution offers you a comprehensive Rent Roll report to analyze your RE-FX data. This report combines the data of

  • real estate usage objects
  • real estate contracts
  • contract and rental object conditions
  • usage object and contract measurements
  • business partners
  • rental object and contract cash flow in condition currency and local currency
  • main business partner account balances from Financial Accounting
  • notes/memos from various places in the contract, e.g. condition memo

The selected data is compiled in a single view as an ALV list which can be exported to an Excel template, or extracted in an Excel file and automatically sent by e-mail.
Memos can also be displayed.


Your benefits with CS 301

Within one single report, you are able to create various views for individual needs. Additionally, there is the option to create excel templates for data transactions and data can be exported or transferred through interfaces.

Installing this Add-On is straightforward: simply import our transport request, and then you can start!


Printscreen CS 301 1


Printscreen CS 301 2


Printscreen CS 301 3


Printscreen CS 301 4


Printscreen CS 301 5


Our references speak for themselves.

Sabine, Immobilienmanagement

"Jeder unserer Kunden hat unterschiedliche Anforderungen an das Reporting. Mit dem CS301 können wir diese leicht und professionell erfüllen“


Gerald Rauber, SAP CCC, Kanton Basel-Stadt

"Die Installation war sehr einfach und effizient. Nach Import des Transportauftrags konnten wir den Report erfolgreich einsetzen"


Lars, Dienstleistungen - Post, Bern

"Der Report ermöglicht, gezielt Daten aus dem gesamten Modul auf einmal zu ziehen. Das erspart Zeit, da sonst mehrere Reports verwendet werden müssten und dabei eine mühsame Aufbereitung mit Excel. Dazu schätzen wir auch noch die grosse Menge an Selektionsparametern!"

Christine, öffentliche Verwaltung

"Ich bin sehr glücklich, dass ich den CS301 nutzen kann. Das erleichtert mein berufliches Leben unheimlich! DANKE vielmals!“


Our SAP RE-FX customers


Request your free webinar now!

Clarify your open questions in a free and non-binding webinar with our SAP RE-FX experts.

We will explain your benefits with examples directly in the system and give you a complete overview of the SAP Add-Ons.

Arrange a live demo


COS-33 GmbH

Baarerstrasse 77
6300 Zug


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