
Account determination check

This Add-On informs at one glance on which G/L Accounts the conditions are posted in different scenarios.


CS 322 SAP RE-FX Account determination check

This report allows you to keep an overview of all parameters that control account determination and accruals/deferrals.

Data is displayed as an ALV list and is interactive, i.e., by drilling down you can navigate to the corresponding customizing table and make changes directly.

When you exit the list, your changes are immediately visible in the report.


Your benefits by using the Add-On CS 322

An interactive ALV list of the entire account determination process enables you to:

  • display all customizing settings in a transparent manner
  • check the account determination parameters

Simple to use: by double-clicking, you can navigate from the list directly to customizing, where you can maintain the settings interactively.

Installing this Add-On is straightforward: simply import our transport request, and then you can start!


Our references speak for themselves.

Christine, öffentliche Verwaltung

"Ich bin sehr glücklich, dass ich den CS301 nutzen kann. Das erleichtert mein berufliches Leben unheimlich! DANKE vielmals!“


Sabine, Immobilienmanagement

"Jeder unserer Kunden hat unterschiedliche Anforderungen an das Reporting. Mit dem CS301 können wir diese leicht und professionell erfüllen“


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Baarerstrasse 77
6300 Zug


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